Author Topic: another cop story, read and help please  (Read 4733 times)


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another cop story, read and help please
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2008, 01:06:59 PM »
If I understand this correctly, sorry but going after the towing company or City isn’t going to happen… the sign was posted the letter you did not receive was delivered. The one at fault not only lays with you BUT with your landlord as well who has a responsibility of notify the tenets… its the landlord you should sue for what you lost, BUT you may not get time from work because the sign was posted but that’ll be up to the judge to decide. Again, you should be recompensed from the landlord. File a small claim in your city. As for the cop that was being nice there’s nothing he can do but prove the sign was posted and ligit. As or the towing company, next time ask if you car is present, if not, they should bring it to you before you pay because you were informed that it is there… the basterd’s could have given you a ride. GOOD LUCK!