Author Topic: Big bear this Sunday 7/15  (Read 1941 times)


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Big bear this Sunday 7/15
« on: July 13, 2007, 08:11:23 PM »
Big Bear this Sunday. we are meeting at the regular time at the arco at 10am leaving by 10:30 sharp, everybody is welcome to come. so far its me, splinter, dj, jojo that are going for sure. we are going up there eating and probably chill at the lake for a bit, we are going to try to make it back by dark.


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Big bear this Sunday 7/15
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2007, 11:43:24 PM »
canceling big bear this sunday, we are gonna do it another time the end of this month or next month. i will be there sunday to support a fallen rider instead.