Member and friend ettiquette...
The bad thing is that most of us do not know what ettiquette means, huh Trouble?
Anyway, Word to the wise... (my advice, not rules, not mandatory)
1. IF: you dont know that MAYHEM comes first, then you need to recognize nukka
2. IF: you bring someone around, they are new, they should initiate the "hello's" and WE should reciprocate with a handshake or at least a nod, like George Lopez, from far away...
3. IF: you are A MEMBER, than YOU should be the first to shake everyones hand in the group before anything...
4. IF: you bring someone with you, who is not feeling well or is angry at the planet, DONT bring them out
5. IF: the people you bring out do ANYTHING wrong or embarrassing, YOU are responsible for their behavior
6. IF: you do not understand, please refer to #1
7. IF: 1 thru 6 are ignored, please see #8